LaGuardia Clayworks seeks to imbue intention and metaphysical musings into lovingly crafted objects. Hand-carved and painted imagery is inspired by nature and Sacred Geometry’s deep teachings, recurring patterns, and symbolism. Form and decoration are interdependent, creating a seamless conversation. Each piece is a unique response to the physical body, and many ergonomic and aesthetic aspects are considered during the creation process. All designs are original and crafted without templates, stencils, or premade transfers.
My interdisciplinary background in painting, drawing, performance, installation, and sculpture led me to my ceramic practice. Ceramics blends art and functionality, raising questions about what it means to participate in and support creative expression daily. Often rooted in domesticity, ceramic objects live with us in our most intimate and private settings. The works are activated through touch, both by the maker and the holder, and encourage regular grounding back to the physical world.
Every work is also infused with Reiki energy. Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing modality that directly channels Source/Spirit/ Unconditional Love frequency. Additionally, the silica constituents in clay are the same that compose quartz. Due to its excellent energetic transduction properties, quartz is utilized in technology, chemistry, and other modalities. This adds another meaningful layer to every ceramic vessel. Each piece represents my creative energy while serving as a container for Reiki. The Reiki will never “wear off” and is incorporated indefinitely.
Thank you all so much for your support!